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The Crucial Role of Crisis Planning in Healthcare and Educational Institutions

woman with red nails holding a virtual reality healthcare sign with avatars of people connected to social media floating around it and a map of the world as the background

In today’s hyper-connected world, crises can escalate rapidly, leaving organizations vulnerable to intense scrutiny and damage to their reputation. This reality is particularly evident in healthcare and educational institutions, where the stakes are exceptionally high. With the amplifying effect of social media, the need for comprehensive crisis planning has never been more critical. Healthcare and […]

The Hidden Pitfalls: How Texting and Social Apps Can Undermine Brands and Organizations

person in a yellow sweatshirt holding phone with social media icons hovering over it

In an era dominated by social media and instant messaging, brands and organizations are more interconnected with their audiences than ever before. While these platforms offer unparalleled opportunities for engagement and outreach, they also harbor hidden pitfalls that can significantly impact a brand’s reputation and integrity. In particular, the pervasive use of texting and social […]

Plan Ahead, Prevent Crisis: A Guide

A client recently said: “If we get lucky, we won’t need one.” They were referring to holding off on building a crisis communications plan. In today’s world luck has nothing to do with it. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” as the adage goes. It underscores that the lack of foresight and […]

How to Hire a Public Relations Firm that Delivers Results

Are you struggling to effectively promote your business or brand? A public relations firm can help. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this article, we’ll share some tips on how to hire a PR firm that delivers results. A 2020 Public Relations Society of […]

Employer Branding: Attracting the Right Talent in a Competitive Market

Let’s face it, we’re in a candidate-driven market. The tables have turned, and it’s no longer about companies picking the best talent, but about talent choosing the best companies. This shift has made employer branding and recruitment marketing more important than ever. In a nutshell, employer branding is about how your company is perceived as […]

Dare to Stand Out: The Untold Benefits of Consistent Marketing in a Recession

Today’s economic landscape, much like a tempestuous sea, is fraught with unpredictability. Recessions can strike with the suddenness and ferocity of a rogue wave, leaving businesses struggling to stay afloat during the economic downturn. We’d like to post a different perspective. Let’s delve into the impact of a recession on businesses, the strategic advantages of […]

5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Launched My Business

My start as a business owner and agency founder began by negotiating the purchase of a media buying department—that I was leading—from my employer. I named the company Tipping Point Media after my love of Malcolm Gladwell’s book The Tipping Point about how little things can bring big change. Five years later, I co-founded a […]

How Volunteerism Impacts the Workplace

April was National Volunteer Month! We didn’t want to let the month pass without honoring the importance of volunteerism. At Tipping Point, each employee receives a paid VTO (Volunteer Time Off) day. We encourage all our employees to get out into the community to give back to something greater than ourselves. Expanding Your Network Volunteering […]

What Does a Social Media Manager Actually Do?

Social media managers are often misunderstood. Some would say they closely monitor the latest TikTok trends and scroll Instagram for inspiration all day long. Sounds easy enough, right? Not exactly. While some of that may be true—and job descriptions often vary by company—there are a few essential tasks on every social media manager’s list to […]

Why Social Media is Emerging as The New Search Engine

Over the past decade, social media platforms have transformed from being simply a means of connecting with friends and family to a vital source of information for users. With over 4 billion active social media users worldwide, social networks are rapidly becoming the new search engines. Traditionally, search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo have […]