FCC Changes Poised to Reshape the Media Landscape

On October 24, 2017, the FCC voted 3-2 to eliminate the main studio rule, which has been in place for almost eight decades. This rule required local TV and radio broadcasters to maintain a physical studio location in their community, or primary local coverage area. The change is largely attributed to the continued rise of […]

Find Your Business Focus in Different Types of Groups

There are several ways businesses can use focus groups to gain valuable insights and solve problems, test new ideas, identify the needs of target customers and more. Did you know that there are types of focus groups, each offering a different way for C-Suite executives and mid-level managers to learn more from a group of […]

Five Key Takeaways from the 2019 IAAPA Expo

As an agency with a focus on marketing destinations and attractions, one of the biggest events we look forward to each year is the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions’ (IAAPA) annual expo in Orlando, Florida. With more than 90 education sessions and dozens of networking opportunities, IAAPA Expo 2019 was an incredible learning […]

Five Stressful, but Totally Avoidable, Issues Event Planners Face

 “What can go wrong will go wrong.”  As an event planner, Murphy’s Law is no joke, so being prepared for the unexpected is critical. This list will help thwart off some of the most commonly neglected and often biggest issues that pop during an event.    1. “Um, I can’t eat anything on the menu here…” […]

Five Tips to Hitting a Home-Run Pitch

As any baseball player will tell you, there’s an art to pitching. Learning to throw at just the right speed and curve takes practice, patience, and perseverance. The same principles apply to the classic media relations tactic that PR practitioners lovingly refer to as media pitching. Whether you’re standing on the mound ready to strike, […]

Focus Groups Take the Cake!

I started getting involved with coordinating focus groups at Tipping Point Communications this summer. At first I had no idea what a focus group was or why it was so important to hold them. As I started to get more involved, it made me wonder: who came up the idea to observe people giving their […]

Four Must-Have Sections in Your Entertainment Marketing Plan

Not all marketing strategies or tactics are created equal, and we hope this isn’t the first time you’re hearing that. Consider the inherent differences between B2B, B2C, industries, geographies, available budgets, average time to close a customer, and the list goes on. Our team that specializes in entertainment and tourism marketing has put together the […]

Planning a Focus Group? Make Sure Your Facility Adds to Your Success

  If you’ve decided to conduct a focus group, you likely already have weighed several crucial factors, like which questions will garner meaningful insights, the most important attributes of potential participants, and how to find the right moderator. But perhaps the most important component of a focus group is the facility itself. It is the […]

Planning A Grand Opening, Special Event or New Location?

Here’s how Tipping Point recently helped two franchises make their mark. Opening a new location is an exciting milestone for a business, but it can also be extremely stressful making sure all the correct elements are in place. From sending invites in time to the right people, gathering materials and speakers for a press conference, […]

Playing Favorites & Not Afraid to Admit it

Picture it. The Poe Family dinner table.  Any night of the week.  7:10PM.  There’s chatter about how days have gone, who is feeding what to the dog, how much homework there is to do and usually a bed time negotiation.  Pat Sajak is just finishing up the first round of Wheel of Fortune and is […]