4 Reasons to Consider a Retainer Relationship with Your PR Agency

The two main types of business & agency relationships are short-term projects and retainers. So, what’s the difference? A project-based approach is often used when focusing efforts on a specific moment in time such as driving awareness for a grand opening, encouraging ticket sales or sign-ups for a special event, conducting media training for spokespeople […]

4 Signs Your Organization Needs to Invest in Qualitative Research

At Tipping Point, we are often asked by clients why they should invest in Qualitative Research. Commonly, we hear that the CEO or CMO has stated that they “know more about their customers than anyone else” and “research will just slow down the process.” Here are 4 signs that your organization should allocate the time, and […]

4 Things to Know Before you Shop on Cyber Monday

Fortune predicts that Cyber Monday sales could reach their peak this year, even as much as increasing by 12% over last year. With that in mind, here are four things you need to know before you shop online this Cyber Monday. Do your homework. Research retailers’ ads and pay attention to any ads you come […]

A Brand New Pittsburgh: Branding A City

When Donald Trump said recently that he was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris, he played right into the Rust Belt region’s long-ago image as a dirty, industrial, steel town. Think the steel mill scene from 1978’s “The Deer Hunter.” Well, I can tell you, that image is dead. Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto […]

Advertisers Adapting to Change

Given the many changes that we have been experiencing together within the last few weeks, our lifestyles have altered considerably, and we are now getting settled into our new “normal.” That’s true for consumers, too. Consumers’ behaviors have shifted into stay-at-home habits and they are now even more exposed to paid advertisements, whether through traditional […]

America’s Primetime for America’s Pastime

I love the Chicago Cubs.  I love Country Music. You can imagine my dilemma last Wednesday night.  OK, maybe not.  I mean, where’s the real dilemma when you’re talking about 108 years?  I even thought very seriously about playing hooky from work and driving to Chicago just to be outside Wrigley in case they won.  Should […]

Digital Ad Fraud: What is it and How it Affects You

At Tipping Point we’re constantly on the lookout for industry trends and new technologies so our clients’ campaigns are utilizing the latest and greatest practices. It’s also important to stay on top of new technologies and trends that can be harmful too. Digital ad fraud is a growing concern in the advertising industry, and clients […]

Do You Know what the Goals and Objectives of Your Website Are?

I wrote a blog post recently explaining why every marketer needs Google Analytics. The fundamental reason is so they can use the data it collects and the reports it generates to assess whether their marketing efforts and website strategy is effective. But in order to assess whether what you are doing is successful you have […]

Getting to the Heart of Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the communications world’s latest buzzword. Agencies are scrambling to define exactly what it really is, and industry media can’t get enough of the subject. In fact, just this week, AdWeek declared “LinkedIn Beats Twitter for Content Marketing” – just one month after it claimed “Twitter Rated Most Effective for Content Marketing”. So […]

Goodbye Flash, Hello HTML5

For many years, the .swf, better known as the Flash file, has been the standard format for animated banner and display ads. However, with recent changes, Flash isn’t supported on most mobile devices. In the words of Steve Jobs, flash is, “abysmal” when it comes to security and often slows down or crashes audiences’ web […]