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News from the ESAAL Conference

Earlier this month, the Tipping Point team attended this year’s Empire State Association of Assisted Living (ESAAL) conference in Verona, New York. We spoke with hundreds of assisted living facilities about their marketing and public relations challenges, some with as few as 25 beds and others with dozens of locations. However, all are facing the same challenges, as are others in the elder care space – attracting families to their services and managing crisis communications when unfortunate events occur.

Families today turn primarily to the internet when researching options for their parents’ care. Online reputation management – from being prominent in search engine results, having accurate profiles in online listings, and responding to negative reviews online – was a common topic of conversation among facility administrators and directors.

News from the ESAAL Conference

A majority of adults ages 45 to 64 are considered part of the “sandwich” generation. They are taking care of their own children as well as their parents as they age. These adult children are savvy, ask questions and are involved in every aspect of care for both children and parents. Adult children are typically still in the workforce and are very computer savvy. They spend the bulk of their day on the computer, on social networking sites and reading news and content online.

Since 2005, our team has been helping not-for-profit, health care, and elder care clients gain the visibility they need to succeed in this competitive industry. Our core values always begin with compassion. It’s this special sensibility that gives us the ability to connect with family members and encourage them to respond. The Tipping Point team is happy to provide information on how to keep your senior living facility in the spotlight, and out of it.


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