Three Myths about Marketing to Millennials
Three Myths about Marketing to Millennials

In today’s world, millennials are considered incredible multitaskers, technologically savvy and are known by many as the “Digital Natives.” Since the Millennial Generation was the first to grow up with technology at their fingertips, it is often forgotten that they are logical consumers with specific demands.

As a millennial I feel that marketers often group “us” into one general category instead of realizing that each one of us consumers has varying opinions and can make a significant impact on the future of products and services. 

Myth #1: “As consumers, millennials are all the same”

As much as today’s society can agree that younger generations can adapt to technology quickly, each has a different way of engaging themselves towards something they find interesting. There are over 80 million millennials in the world, all in different stages of their life, and all interested different things. Ranging from; college students, to single parents, or young adults in the workplace, it is just impossible to place them in one broad category. Yes, they may have certain things in common, but since each is so different, marketers should focus on targeting the multiple types of millennials so there can be a wide audience range and a significant impact.

Myth #2: “Millennials hate face-to-face interaction” 

Yes, most of the time this generation can be seen clutching their cell phone or engaging on one of their many social media platforms, but the fact of the matter is, not everything they do is virtual. They are brought up to realize that the relationships they create with those online, are just as essential as the one’s they create off-line. Maintaining an image that is cohesive to what is online, translates to how they are viewed both socially and professionally. Since this generation is “socially savvy” they tend to talk about things they see in the social space when they communicate with others face-to-face. When digital marketing is used to target this generation, the majority of information received is then transformed into a face-to-face conversation; creating verbal marketing, so give them something to talk about.

Myth #3: “Don’t target this group with traditional TV/Print Outreach”

Although most millennials focus on receiving information through their digital devices, there is still a time and a place for marketing through print and television; it’s not completely gone. Studies have shown that 55% of millennials still enjoy receiving coupons and magazines through the mail. You will also be able to find most at the gym reading a magazine on the elliptical, or watching TV while running on the treadmill. While marketing to this generation don’t forget about incorporating old-school media, because it’s not dead!


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