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Through The Eyes of an Intern Blog Series Part 3 (Final)

For my final blog of this series, I thought I would share what Tipping Point has taught me since my first day in August. Not only have I checked all of the boxes on my “intern opportunities” sheet, but I have learned what it’s like to work in an office, at a marketing communications agency and with a diverse team of individuals with different backgrounds and experiences.

One of my favorite things about Tipping Point is how they fully embody their core values. They are written on the walls; they are practiced in every interaction and they are words to live by. Integrity. Trust. Likeability. Learning. Sharing. Teamwork. Excellence. Ownership.

Here is what Tipping Point has taught me about their core values:

  1. Integrity & Trust
    Integrity is what you do when no one is watching. It is who you are when there is no pressure to be someone else. When no one is watching, are you still a hard worker? Do you still treat others with respect? Can your supervisor trust you to get the work done?
  2. Likability
    A unique but significant value. Creating and maintaining relationships is the very basics of public relations. Being outgoing, polite and caring is how you keep clients happy, keep the media happy and ultimately, how you add value to the company.
    Client-facing work is not for the shy and timid; it is for the go-getters, the ones that break the ice and actively create the relationships. It is your duty to make the clients comfortable and trusting of you.
  3. Learning & Sharing
    These are critical steps in creating growth. Learning, reflecting, then sharing that knowledge with others not only helps you retain the information, but it benefits those that you are sharing with.
    This applies whether you learned about a new coffee shop with the best croissants, learned about a unique media opportunity for clients, a new business that could use Tipping Point’s services, or spent time volunteering and learned about a local nonprofit.  
  4. Teamwork
    It is impossible to succeed without support. What is great about your support system at work is that you are all working towards the same goal –growth and retention. Don’t be afraid to lean on your team when you need to.
    To have effective teamwork requires respect. Respect your team, clients, the media, and the public regardless of their gender, race, age, views, or title. It isn’t a one-way street either, I am an intern, not a Senior Client Strategy and Relations Manager, but I am still respected and appreciated. I am one of them, a part of the team.
  5. Excellence & Ownership
    Do your best work and own it. Always give your clients and your team your best effort and take pride in the work you do. The service that you provide is the positive value that you add to your client’s business.
    Own your success; it is up to you to find happiness and fulfillment in the work that you do. If you are not happy or if you are not reaching your goals, own your future and figure out how to.

Thank you, Tipping Point, for the opportunity to learn about your company culture & the work that you do for your clients every day. And thank YOU for joining me on this journey of being an intern at Tipping Point Communications.

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