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Togetherness in Tough Times

In this time of uncertainty, it’s critically important for leaders to provide a sense of hope and inspiration to their teams.

 While the majority of businesses are adjusting to a new routine of working from home, leaders need to continue communicating plans for the future, provide ongoing support, and encourage team members to engage with one another actively, building a sense of togetherness along the way.

In fact, right now, communication and a good sense of humor are more important than ever before. Here at Tipping Point Communications, we’ve increased our weekly check-in meetings and make a point of fully engaging with our colleagues through video conferencing. During our weekly agency meetings, we have special themes, such as “wear your favorite hat,” “work in your pajamas,” or more recently, “April Fool’s Day Fun.” We know that driving positive mindsets and engagement in this continuously changing environment can enhance daily productivity and lead to potential innovation.

We’ve also discovered that video is a key driver of this. Nearly all of our internal meetings among team members and external meetings with clients and vendors have transitioned to video conference calls, enabling more face-to-face interaction as we continue to implement ongoing marketing and public relations efforts.

While no one knows when this pandemic will end, we at Tipping Point continue to strive for togetherness — to better serve our colleagues, our clients, and all of our agency partners.

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