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4 Things to Know Before you Shop on Cyber Monday
4 Things to Know Before you Shop on Cyber Monday

Fortune predicts that Cyber Monday sales could reach their peak this year, even as much as increasing by 12% over last year. With that in mind, here are four things you need to know before you shop online this Cyber Monday.

  1. Do your homework. Research retailers’ ads and pay attention to any ads you come across. This will help you understand who is running what sales and where you can get the best deals.
  2. Pay attention to the retailer’s online reviews. Earlier this month we featured a blog post about how one retailer is fighting back against fake online reviews. Carefully consider the overall reviews on the website before you make a purchasing decision.
  3. Black Friday will be your benchmark for deals. You have a good idea of the deals retailers will run based on Black Friday specials.
  4. Consider writing your own online review. Retailers really value their customer’s honest feedback, so this Cyber Monday consider leaving an online review about this years’ experience!

Online presence management have a significant impact on purchasing decisions. When you shop on Cyber Monday, consider reading online reviews, sales in stores earlier in the week, and consider leaving an online review about your experience!


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