Reputation Management: Crisis Communications

What is your organization’s most valuable asset? Many business owners might point to their physical plants, inventory, or even (if they are really being honest with themselves) their workforce. But regardless of industry, your number-one asset is your reputation. It likely didn’t cost much to establish your reputation, but losing it imparts a tremendous cost. […]

Rethink Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Facebook is changing. Again. And so the backlash begins. Again. In case you missed the big announcement, beginning in January Facebook will be changing the algorithm it currently uses to determine how brand posts will be displayed in News Feeds. Under the new guidelines for the algorithm, brand posts deemed “too promotional” will not receive the […]

Satellite Campuses Surging in Higher Ed

Non-traditional is becoming the new normal. Colleges and universities across the country are opening “satellite” campuses, many of which are in downtown, metropolitan areas. This allows universities to reach non-traditional students and offer convenience, flexibility, and a range of educational options. Learning outside of a classroom setting provides a motivating student experience. Students are able […]

Sharing the Benefits of a Powerful Partnership with Google

Our lives are impacted by Google every day – in ways we may not even be aware of. It’s no mystery that when you’re having a heated debate with a friend over which team won the Super Bowl in 1996 (Dallas), or you want to know what song was number one in the U.S. on […]

Shock & Awe. Plot Twist. Wassup?! The #ROI on #SuperBowl Ads

It’s no longer enough to create a laughable moment between tackles and touchdowns. Instead, Super Bowl advertisers have come to compete in a championship game of their own, vying for a shot to be this year’s AdLand MVP. But which ads are the most effective? And what elements must they have to get results?   […]

Six Tips for Developing a Compelling Focus Group Discussion Guide

The goal of every focus group is to connect with participants to derive insights that will help achieve a marketing research objective. A discussion guide helps you do this by facilitating that connection. As the name implies, a discussion guide (or moderator’s guide) is a written agenda that helps the moderator facilitate the focus group […]

Social Campaign Boosts Numbers in a Big Way for Nonprofit

Much of the work needed to create a successful social media campaign for The Education Trust – New York’s school workforce diversity project had been completed before the first post ever went live. The statewide nonprofit, a regional off-shoot of a group backed by The Gates Foundation and started by former U.S. Secretary of Education […]

Social Media Metrics That Your Boss Cares About

Anything worth doing is worth doing right, and that includes analyzing the data that will tell you what you’re not doing right. It’s not enough just to gather data from your social media platforms, the data needs to be actionable and affect your social strategy. There are three social media metrics that should always be […]

Social Trends That Will Come Alive in 2017

Now that most of us have our feet under us (a month later), we can finally decompress from 2016 and begin to digest what’s in store for 2017. The ever-changing social media landscape is in constant competition, and therefore, has a lot in store for this year. 1) Live video will make its way to […]