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Satellite Campuses Surging in Higher Ed

Non-traditional is becoming the new normal. Colleges and universities across the country are opening “satellite” campuses, many of which are in downtown, metropolitan areas. This allows universities to reach non-traditional students and offer convenience, flexibility, and a range of educational options.

Satellite Campuses Surging in Higher Ed

Learning outside of a classroom setting provides a motivating student experience. Students are able to take classes in a real-life, high-tech space.

Keuka College recently partnered with our agency to open a satellite campus in the heart of Downtown Rochester. The four-year college has its main campus on Keuka Lake and now offers undergraduate and graduate degree program night classes at its new satellite campus at the Tipping Point office.

“We’re pleased to offer both of these accelerated programs at the Tipping Point Communications site. It’s a fabulous facility for adult students in the Rochester area interested in pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in management,” said Mark J. Petrie, Vice President for Enrollment Management at Keuka College.

The first program, which began in the 2015 summer semester, is a B.S. in Organizational Management. The night class takes place once a week. Students are gaining a foundational knowledge in business verbal and written communications, and developing problem-solving and interpersonal skills and time management strategies all in a real-life business setting.

The second program will be a master’s degree in management starting in spring 2016.The program will have the same two-year, night class structure as the undergraduate program, and will focus on leadership development, strategic planning skills, and organizational design.

The convenient downtown location is easily accessible to students who may not be able to drive to the Finger Lakes or may not want to enroll in an online class. Opening satellite campuses is also an engaging alternative to offering online courses.

“Tipping Point has been a fantastic partner for Keuka College, and we’re excited to be able to offer these programs at their downtown Rochester office,” said Dr. Jorge L. Díaz-Herrera, President of Keuka College. “Our professors appreciate the opportunity to work in real-life, high-tech offices, and we think our students will love the convenience of the location.”

Universities across the country are opening satellite campuses to meet the needs of their unique student body. Satellite campuses provide the flexibility and convenience their students are looking for when it comes to learning and we wouldn’t be surprised to see more local businesses partnering with regional educational institutions to follow this emerging trend.


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