Strategies and Tactics for Weather-Triggered Advertising

The world of digital is all about targeting. Our ability to become as precise and narrow as possible, the better. For example, digital media buys can target by demographics and psychographics, behavioral and contextual factors:  In this group we have women 25-54 who like to shop, consider themselves fashionistas and bought shoes online recently. We’ll […]

The ABCs of Disruption

The dictionary defines disruption as problems or disturbances that interrupt an event, activity or process. While often viewed as annoyances and interferences, disruptions are increasingly recognized as benefiting marketers, workplaces and even individual careers, serving as sources of creativity and innovation. In an increasingly competitive landscape, with companies seeking to attract and retain talented employees […]

The Anatomy of a Digital Marketing Campaign

Like the human body, there are many systems involved in a successful digital marketing campaign. Each of these systems work together to build success. Like the human body, there are systems moving alongside each other that help us keep moving forward. Let’s compare the anatomy of a digital marketing campaign to the anatomy of the human […]

The Best Marketing Moments of 2016

2016 had its ups and downs, as with any year gone by. ‘Tis the season to recap the highlights: best sports plays, celeb breakups, food trends, social media blunders, top tech companies to watch, and all the other defining moments that made 2016 so very…interesting. We could go on all day about the best of […]

Why We Love Online Reviews

88% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, according to Search Engine Land. Businesses also hold high value in online reviews and believe they play an important role in influencing consumer decision making and have an impact on ROI. So it’s no surprise that both businesses and consumers place a high value […]

Your Recipe for Effective Video Content

What’s the recipe for addictive video content? Well, sometimes the ingredients are complex, and sometimes they’re simple, but they’re usually displayed right on the screen with a little jingle as the BuzzFeed Tasty team is whipping up not only decadence, but their next viral video. The new-media digital publisher has blazed new trails and it’s […]

#1 Thing you Need for a Good Crisis Communications Response

“A great band is more than just some people working together. It’s like a highly specialized army unit, or a winning sports team. A unique combination of elements that becomes stronger together than apart.” — Steven Van Zandt When in concert, Steven Van Zandt plays guitar. Off-stage, he writes and arranges songs, produces albums and […]

3 Keys to Successful Public Affairs Campaigns

 In a PR Daily story about U.S. presidents who were skilled communicators, I said, “Politics is three things: Getting people to know you, to like you, and to trust you.” I like that saying, probably because of its simplicity and application to more than just politics.  Public affairs is a discipline of public relations with deep […]

3 Things to Know About the FTC’s Updated Social Media Disclosure Guidelines

Recently, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) made updates to its FAQ page for endorsement regulations for the first time in five years. We recap the three most important things you need to know about the update and what it means for social media marketing and your brand. Clearly define endorser and client relationships You’ve probably […]