5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Launched My Business

My start as a business owner and agency founder began by negotiating the purchase of a media buying department—that I was leading—from my employer. I named the company Tipping Point Media after my love of Malcolm Gladwell’s book The Tipping Point about how little things can bring big change. Five years later, I co-founded a […]
How Volunteerism Impacts the Workplace

April was National Volunteer Month! We didn’t want to let the month pass without honoring the importance of volunteerism. At Tipping Point, each employee receives a paid VTO (Volunteer Time Off) day. We encourage all our employees to get out into the community to give back to something greater than ourselves. Expanding Your Network Volunteering […]
Working Remotely in Another Country

It’s 8 o’clock in the morning and time to get moving as my team members are already buzzing on caffeine and donuts. I’m just waking up to the roosters, dogs, and the braying of nearby donkeys in my Mexican enclave in Guanajuato. Firing up the computer—making sure the file optic internet is working—and I’m ready […]