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Client Spotlight: "Harley at Home" Eases Transition to Remote Learning

Day-to-day life has been impacted by the current public health crisis across the country, and schools everywhere have been forced to ensure that the students they serve have access to ongoing educational opportunities.Our Tipping Point client, The Harley School, a nationally recognized independent school based in Brighton, was one of the few that was able to fully transition students and teachers to a structured, remote-learning experience quickly.

By introducing “Harley at Home,” the school’s new and innovative online learning hub, Harley was able to pivot from classroom-based instruction to remote learning in less than two weeks, making Harley one of the most prepared educational institutions in the state amid COVID-19 closures.  

Each day, Harley students attend classes using the online learning hub, and teachers are regularly available to answer student questions and guide student learning. Harley is also focusing on the psychological wellness of both students and faculty members during this challenging time.

Harley’s quick and efficient move to remote learning was recently highlighted by Spectrum News:

Schools Enter Week Three of Online Learning Due to Shutdown

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