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Getting to the Heart of Content Marketing
Content Marketing - Tipping Point Communications

Content Marketing is the communications world’s latest buzzword. Agencies are scrambling to define exactly what it really is, and industry media can’t get enough of the subject. In fact, just this week, AdWeek declared “LinkedIn Beats Twitter for Content Marketing” – just one month after it claimed “Twitter Rated Most Effective for Content Marketing”.

So what’s the real story? Of course, the Tipping Point team has our own theory. We believe Content Marketing is just more of what we’ve always done, while leveraging all the new media and monitoring to make our efforts even more effective.

Basically, content marketing involves creating and curating (a.k.a., sharing other creator’s) relevant, valuable, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving specific action. In our opinion, that shouldn’t be too far removed from your public relations or employee relations approach.

In today’s world, though, this approach requires constant generation of content. And you’re pushing it at audiences who are inundated with messages. They’re wary, cynical, and have other resources for information. Ultimately, they are in control.

So it’s a far cry from the old days of pushing out newsletters, publishing your website, placing bylined articles, and just getting that Facebook page up there. Now, it’s critical that these components work together, in a thoughtful content strategy, to engage your audiences and get them to find you and consider you to be subject-matter experts in your field.

To get there, you need to understand your audiences and communicate with them (not at them). Tipping Point has an established approach that helps you find the right strategy to reach your goals.

Through research, we help define who you’re talking to, where they are, and what they are looking for. From there, we develop and curate creative and relevant content, and utilize paid, earned, and owned media (both online and off) to reach them. We leverage all the tools at our disposal to disseminate and optimize your content – because just publishing it isn’t enough anymore. And then we measure to confirm who’s finding you, what tactics are working best, and how to continue to increase our impact.

So don’t get overwhelmed at the thought of Content Marketing. It’s a real and tangible way to maximize what you’re already doing. Give us a call for more information.


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