4 Ways to Effectively Communicate About COVID-19

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across the U.S., the potential for serious disruption to business operations grows along with it. Advance crisis communications planning is critical, yet many companies and organizations have not yet started discussing potential scenarios, stakeholder impacts and required advance communications to help mitigate impact. Waiting until you’re in a […]

5 Reasons for a Financial Institution to Create a Content Strategy

How does an organization make it into the consideration set when a consumer is searching for a financial institution? Is it location-based? Does a younger shopper look at the institution their parents use? Are there account features and benefits that are compared side-by-side? Once we’ve cracked what puts you in a consideration set – how […]

5 Reasons You Should Hire an Agency for Marketing Communications

Should your business hire a marketing communications agency, or handle your marcom need in-house? This is a critical decision for every business and one that is vital to success. There are certainly pros and cons to both, but if you want to grow your business, hiring an agency to handle your marketing is the right […]

5 Skills Digital Marketers Need That Clients Want

Staying relevant in the marketing communications space is increasingly difficult with digital marketing, social media and an uber competitive market. Transformation is a constant theme with the latest technology updates, new ad platforms and the evolution of audience consumption habits. Consider these five skills when looking for a digital marketing agency. 1. Organization & Project […]

5 Things to Do First When the Sh*t Hits the Fan

So you didn’t create a crisis communications plan, or you did but you never anticipated this particular issue. It happens to the best of us. What do you do now? 1. Get to the Bottom of It. There are three key questions to ask immediately, the answers to which will form the basis of your […]

5 Tips to Make Sure You’re Ready for Your Next Interview

Many times organizations will choose spokespeople based on their subject matter expertise. But being an expert in your field doesn’t always translate to delivering great media interviews. Even a seasoned spokesperson can quickly tank an interview if you haven’t appropriately prepared for it.  1.  Know whom you’re talking to Get to know the reporter’s style […]

Don’t Let Politics Overrun Your Media Campaigns

Navigating the woes of priority election coverage. With the general elections upon us, those who hope to use broadcast media advertising during the prime political window will see ad space become more crowded and more expensive. In fact, we expect this year to break records for levels of political advertising. What do you need to […]


Everyone makes mistakes. But if you are responsible for an organization’s reputation, how you apologize matters to your bottom line. When determining how to respond to a mistake, the first question to ask is: is this an error in judgement or in delivering your product or service? Today, an error in judgement can be more […]

Embracing the Confusing World of Digital Payments

In September 2014, Apple made headlines when it introduced Apple Pay, the company’s entry into a crowded market of competing technologies vying to become the standard for mobile digital payments in the United States. Even with a growing list of retailers accepting this as a form of payment to help the technology go mainstream, the […]

Facebook and Your Elected Officials

“Contact your elected official.” How many times have we heard that phrase since November 2016?  Have an issue with a social injustice? No problem, just contact your elected official.  Don’t like what’s happening in Washington, D.C.? Share your thoughts by emailing your elected official.Now, Facebook is making it easier to have your voice be heard. […]