Pixel Placement 101

Measuring the success of a digital campaign is vital when attempting to draw correlations between sales and audience acquisition. We want to track not only what a user does while on your website, but also what audience type visits your website. The more information we can gather on audience insights and their actions, the more […]

The History of Online Banner Advertising

Digital banner ads are everywhere on the Web but where exactly did they come from? Like other inventions, banner ads evolved into what they are today. Let’s take a quick look at the history and evolution of online marketing by telling the story of the banner advertisement. The early 1980’s brought the personal computer revolution […]

The Marketers Guide to Big Data

The term big data is the latest buzzword to take the marketing industry by storm. Just like Hi-Def, Smart, and The Cloud before it, this latest catch-all seems like it is being slapped onto every product and service offering being pitched. Beyond the chrome casing of this latest shiny new object though is something incredibly […]

The Unique Challenges of Crisis Communications at a College

All organizations face potential crises. Whether it’s poor customer service, manufacturer defects or product tampering, we’ve all seen the headlines. However, the challenges that exist in a collegiate environment are exceptional, because these customers aren’t just buying a product or a service —they’re buying a life. They’re essentially deciding: “Out of my thousands of options, […]

Three Myths about Marketing to Millennials

In today’s world, millennials are considered incredible multitaskers, technologically savvy and are known by many as the “Digital Natives.” Since the Millennial Generation was the first to grow up with technology at their fingertips, it is often forgotten that they are logical consumers with specific demands. As a millennial I feel that marketers often group […]

Tipping Point Expands into Buffalo!

Big things are happening at Tipping Point Communications! We’ve been in business for 10 years, a little over a year ago we moved into a new office space, and we just opened an office in Buffalo! With steady growth, more than a dozen current clients (and growing) in the Buffalo area, opening up a Buffalo […]

Togetherness in Tough Times

In this time of uncertainty, it’s critically important for leaders to provide a sense of hope and inspiration to their teams.  While the majority of businesses are adjusting to a new routine of working from home, leaders need to continue communicating plans for the future, provide ongoing support, and encourage team members to engage with […]

US Census-We Need Your Participation!

As more members of our community are self-isolating and spending time at home, there is no better time to fill out the 2020 United States Census Survey. Last month, each home received a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau containing each household’s Census ID and information on how to complete the survey. Participation in the […]

What iOS 9 and Content Blocking Will Mean for the Future of Online Advertising

The latest update to Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS9, will make it easier for users to enable “content blocking,” or apps that remove advertising and ad tracking when users surf the web in the default Safari web browser. Apple believes this will lead to faster load times and a more secure experience for users. But […]

What Marketers Need to Know: How Consumers Use Multiple Screens

A new study by Microsoft reveals how always-connected consumers are increasingly using several screens simultaneously in their daily lives to stay more connected, complete tasks, or simply kill time. These screens mainly consist of: television, laptop, mobile phone and tablet devices. The study reveals how different patterns of usage emerge, not just by the time […]