“Big Game Sunday”​ Ads Will Be Dramatically Different This Year

Sit back, kick up your feet, break open the Doritos and tune in as the world’s biggest brands unveil their most bold and exciting commercials for the Big Game on Sunday. But, in a game to cap off a football season (and a year) like no other, ads will also be drastically different than what […]

What does #Juneteenth mean to us?

Last year, we joined many businesses in marking #Juneteenth as an annual paid holiday. While parades and family gatherings will honor the end of slavery on June 19, 1865, the team at Tipping Point has been asked to devote a bit of time to reflect on what we can do as an organization and as […]

Through The Eyes of an Intern Blog Series Part 3 (Final)

For my final blog of this series, I thought I would share what Tipping Point has taught me since my first day in August. Not only have I checked all of the boxes on my “intern opportunities” sheet, but I have learned what it’s like to work in an office, at a marketing communications agency […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Brand Promotion During Negative News Cycles

In today’s world, it’s important to find that delicate balance between brand promotion and showing empathy during such volatile times. Many companies are challenged with how to appropriately promote their services or products when 2020 has produced a constant flow of unprecedented events from a global pandemic to empowering social justice movements, celebrity scandals, and […]

Through The Eyes of an Intern Blog Series Part 2

Welcome back for this series’ second blog – can you believe I am over half way through? I certainly cannot, the days have flown by. Never having been in the agency scene before, everything is new and exciting to me – but there was one particular experience that I could not wait to share. I […]

Through The Eyes of an Intern Blog Series Part 1

I’ll start this series by introducing myself. My name is Kayla Holley and I am an intern for Tipping Point Communications’ Client Strategy and Relations team this fall. I’m a junior in the public relations and business administration programs at SUNY Oswego, as well as president of the SUNY Oswego chapter of PRSSA. The internship […]

Avoid These Common AP Style Mistakes Make by PR Pros

Tried and true, AP Style was created by reporters for use in editorial content from essays to articles to press releases and more. Stylistically, it has standardized the way that we communicate news and has streamlined the editing process for decades. Even after all these years, the truth remains that proper grammar and compliance to […]

Top 10 Tips for Media Interviews in Uncertain Times

Over the past few months, Tipping Point Communications has been working with our clients to ensure that their key messages are being heard by their target audiences and using traditional media during an untraditional time. Despite the impact of COVID-19, journalists still want to air compelling stories that are of interest to their viewers. While […]

4 Vital Health Care Marketing Trends

The times they are a changin’. Bob Dylan probably wasn’t referring to the healthcare industry when he penned those lyrics, but how true they ring now. Modern healthcare is transforming right before our very eyes and the way everyone—patients, doctors, administrators—views this multi-trillion dollar industry. Sites like WebMD and the Mayo Clinic are encouraging patients […]

4 Ways Marketing is a lot Like Jazz

The Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival was in town last week and has truly blossomed into an incredible event. The program is thoughtfully planned, thoroughly executed, and packed with amazing talent. I remember going to the first Jazz Fest and wondering if it would live to see another year or fall along the wayside like […]